Int & Swiss Ch. Starbelle Samiro


Ch.Evad Sommer Shadow

Sommerville Smithson

Smithson = left (his daughter Evad Sweet Sommer on right) 


Crisanbee Goldsmith At Myriehewe (15/03/1986)

Myriehewe Spanish Crown

Spanish Crown on the right (his son Goldsmith on the left)

Crisanbee Belle Helene

Thorntonhall Thoughts With Sommerville (gemaild)


Ch. Mohnesee the Sorcerer (1991)

Sommerville Sunset at Thorntonhall (gemaild)

Evad Cream Peach


Ch.Milesend Stormwarden (09-04-1996)


Сh Tegwel Wild Ways of Sandwick (11-09-1989)

Chelmarsh Countess at Milesend
Countess at far left

Evad Cream Eclair

Evad Little Houdini

Evad Evening Star

Ch.Starbelle Sign Of Silk


Ch.Stornaway Sawney Bean

Ch.Milesend Dancing Major

Ch Tegwel Wild Ways of Sandwick

Ch Milesend Dancing Along

Stornaway Sunshine

Milesend Trivial Pursuit

Ch Stornaway Sally Brown

Ch.Starbelle Sweet Swan

Ch.Bermarks Upside Down

Lythwood Skylight at Tegwel (gemaild)

Marklin Wild Gypsy at Tegwel

Ch.Starbelle Seldom Silent (1990)

Starbelle Seldom Sorry

INT S & N Ch, SV-96 Starbelle Simply Splendid






Eastdale Just A Image Of My Dreams

Ch.Shellrick´s you May me Luck

Ch.Sheldon Space Joker

10 years old

Ch.Kindergate the Joker



Kindergate Mac Duffle





Ingleside Inspiration

Ch Conspirol Space Flower

Ch.Ohinima´s red Rubin

Ch.Conspirol Space Puff (gemaild)

Magganett's Follow The Best Dream

Ch.Lynnfield that´s Totte

Ch.Stationhill Crachshot

Ch.Lynnfield Coal Miner´s Daughter (gemaild)

Ch.Shellrick´s Simply the Best

Doonelogde Devil May Care

Ch.Nightwind Honeydew

Eastdale Just a Spinning Image

Snabswood Spitting Image

Ch.Illiad Imagemaker

GB Ch Keltihope Keynote at Malaroc

Forestland Wishing Moon

Snabswood Sandra Dee

Snabswood Septimus

Snabswood Slightly

S + FIN Ch Eastdale Just a Stormy Dream

Ch.Milesend Stormking

GB Ch Milesend Stormwarden 

GB Ch Milesend Dancing Queen

S & N Ch Eastdale Just A Summer Dream

S N Ch Mascot

Eastdale Just You